Raising a Reader Part 3: Emerging Readers.

Jj is for Jottings 63.  Raising a Reader Part 3:  Emerging Readers.

Continuing from the two previous articles

https://educatingalpacas.com/raising-a-reader-part-1-the-baby/  and https://educatingalpacas.com/raising-a-reader-part-2-toddlers/,

this next stage is the magical time when your child starts to take an interest in letters and words and begins to make out words for himself, in books or real life such as street signs. Continue reading

Quick – and Alarming – Statistics.

Meet Sam’s friend, Marshmallow – a bantam with plenty of attitude. You’ll see a little sequence over the next few posts. She’s in the distance, admittedly, but there’ll be a close-up later on. Sam is eating some dried food.

Jj is for Jottings 12: Some quick statistics.
An Australian study done in 2010 found that 20% of 4-5 year old children were assessed as having a speech impairment.
Following on from that a separate study showed that, from a sample of parents who had expressed concerns about their child’s ability to talk and produce speech sounds, 60.4% did not attempt to access any speech pathology services. In fact they did nothing about it at all. Continue reading