Smartphones in Schools.

Jj is for Jottings 158.  Smartphones in Schools.

A few days ago (July 2023) in Australia, smartphones in schools were banned.  Some states had already banned or restricted their use, but the ban is now nationwide.  The ban also includes smartwatches.  There are quite a few reasons to ban smartphones in schools given below, but there is also the overriding factor of how smartphones affect the brain.

Photo of a baby alpaca with the caption: Smartphones in Schools. "I'm not going to have a smartphone - and I'm not going to school, either."

Smartphones in Schools. “I’m not going to have a smartphone – and I’m not going to school, either.”

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How Smartphones Affect the Brain.

Jj is for Jottings 154.  How Smartphones Affect the Brain.

In this article we will cover some of the latest research on how smartphones affect the brain.  We have previously discussed  the effects of screen time on children.  Amongst other aspects, this included language delay in children exposed to screens at an early age.  We have also discussed the effects of digital distraction, which relates to a range of technological devices.  Here we will look into the specific effects on the brain of smartphones, rather than screens in general. Continue reading

Digital Distraction.

Jj is for Jottings 115.  Digital Distraction.



Digital distraction is that constant checking of phones and multi-tasking which we see going on around us all the time (or even engage in ourselves).  There is a theory that our ancient food-foraging survival instinct has evolved into info-foraging.  It is sort of a hijacking of the same system that was critical for our survival in terms of seeking out food.  It has now been directed at seeking out information, and the result is digital distraction.

Photo of an alpaca with his nose in the air, saying: "There is no digital distraction in this paddock, thank you very much."

“There is no digital distraction in this paddock, thank you very much.”

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Interactive Reading With Children.

Jj is for Jottings 96.  Interactive Reading With Children.

There is a difference between reading to children and reading with children.  Reading TO children is just that – reading a story without any sort of discussion or interaction.  (For disquieting statistics on reading to children, see here.)  On the other hand, interactive reading with children, or reading WITH children, is an active process rather than a passive one.  In this case, you are encouraging the child to think, predict, remember and discuss the story, and other related topics may also arise.  Therefore it has all the benefits of reading to children, plus many more.

Photo of newborn alpaca on the ground, her mother and another alpaca sniffing her, with the caption: Too young for interactive reading with children, but the right age to start reading TO her.

Too young for interactive reading with children, but the right age to start reading TO her.

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The Effects of Screen Time on Children.

Jj is for Jottings 90.  The Effects of Screen Time on Children.

Picture of 4 children on a haystack with caption: Avoiding the effects of screen time on children - Zara, Amy, Seth and Zack reading "Aa is for Alpacas" AND outside.

Avoiding the effects of screen time on children – Zara, Amy, Seth and Zack reading “Aa is for Alpacas” AND outside.


By now, there have been many studies done on the effects of screen time on children.  My own observations on this subject are here and here.  And here is an article on parental concerns about screen time.  So, let’s have a look at some of the recent research. Continue reading

Raising a Reader Part 2. Toddlers.

Jj is for Jottings 62.  Raising a Reader Part 2.  Toddlers.

Continuing from the previous article (here), you cannot overestimate the importance of reading with a child at the toddler stage – for intellectual, social and emotional development.  They take in everything: vocabulary and language structure, numbers and math concepts, colours, shapes, opposites and many other language concepts, animals, manners and all kinds of useful information about how the world works. What’s more, when you read out loud, Continue reading

Reading to Dogs.

Jj is for Jottings 57.  Reading to Dogs.

If you had your reading L plates on, who would you rather read to – a person or a dog?  Young readers reading to dogs is an idea which originated in the USA in 1999, and is being adopted in Australia in schools and libraries.  Different programs exist, but they are all variations on the theme. Continue reading

Televisions in Children’s Bedrooms.

It’s that time of year again when the alpacas have new neighbours. When these twins were a week old, their mother took them further down their paddock into line with our back paddock. The lambs were playing just next to the fence. I came across the paddock – unfortunately with no camera – to find a line of interested alpacas staring at the lambs. Geisha tried to jump on them twice (that’s how they attack unwanted animals) because “They Didn’t Belong There” and “It Was Her Territory”. Thankfully she couldn’t actually get at them through the fence.

Jj is for Jottings 31. Televisions in Children’s Bedrooms.
A few days ago one of my “therapy children” – 7 years of age – brought a soft toy into the session. When asked about it she said she’d been given it as a reward for behaving well in the shop where her parents had bought her a television for her bedroom. (Fancy having to be rewarded for behaving well when you are being bought a big-ticket item!) When asked why she should have a television in her bedroom she said because “lots of” the other children have them in their bedrooms. I don’t know what percentage of children do, but I do know it’s not uncommon. Since children having televisions in their bedrooms fills me with horror, I thought it was a good time to say my piece on the subject. Here are some reasons why TVs and children’s bedrooms should never meet:
• Programs screened when the child is in bed are likely to be inappropriate for the child’s age. Children are unable to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate content.
• Watching TV in bed will erode sleeping time.
• How are parents going to know if the child wakes up during the night and turns on the television? If children do turn on the TV in the middle of the night, see the first two points above.
• Watching television in bed can be overstimulating and undermine the body’s readiness for sleep. You might argue that the same applies to reading in bed – and it can, but this is more of an adult problem than a child problem, and it is magnified by….
• All screens emit short-wavelength blue light. Light affects our internal body clock, which affects our circadian rhythm, which is our (more or less) 24 hour body cycle which influences many internal functions. This determines when our body is primed to stay awake and be productive and when we feel tired and want to go to sleep. When it gets dark in the evening, our pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin, which signals to our brain and body that it’s time to get tired and go to sleep. Blue light inhibits melatonin production. As a result, our bodies don’t get the proper signal that it’s time to go to sleep, reducing both the quality and quantity of sleep. In effect, the body is tricked into thinking it’s daytime. Blue light (which we also get from the sun’s rays) are crucial during the day, but have a disastrous effect at night. There is any amount of research on this, from Harvard University, Monash University, University of Toronto to name just a few.
• Tired children do not concentrate or learn well. (Or adults either, for that matter.) Their behaviour is likely to suffer, and this will have a knock-on effect to everybody in the classroom.
Being a parent is a tough call, there’s no denying that. But one of the things we must do is to step away from our children’s whims and “what everybody else is doing” and to think about the long-term effects of our decisions on our child’s health and wellbeing.