Developing Auditory Processing Skills.

Jj is for Jottings 136.  Developing Auditory Processing Skills.

Following on from the article on auditory skills, we turn to the topic of developing auditory processing skills.  An article on communication milestones from 12 months to 5 years can be found here.   But now we will explore the development of auditory processing skills in a little more detail.

Photo of man reading to 2 children, with the caption: One general way of developing auditory processing skills is to read to your children.

One general way of developing auditory processing skills is to read to your children.

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Sequencing is Important.


Jj is for Jottings 127.  Sequencing is Important.

We probably don’t think about it very much, but sequencing is important in many aspects of our lives.  A definition of “sequence” is: a set of related events, movements, or items that follow each other in a particular order.  (This is the definition for the noun.  It is also a verb, as in “I’m going to sequence the tracks on my playlist.”)

Photos of alpacas in a paddock, with the caption: Sequencing is important - but is it important in this picture?

Sequencing is important – but is it important in this picture?

Many times, if things are not in sequence, they don’t make any sense.  Although the playlist referred to above has a sequence, the sequence isn’t vital; it’s just a preference.  But if you put on your shoes first and then your socks… Continue reading

Auditory Sequential Memory – Useful Figures.

Sam, the toenail-eating dog in Spring 2014, aged 15 years.

Jj is for Jottings 22. Auditory Sequential Memory: Some Useful Figures.

Thinking/cognition involves auditory sequential memory (also referred to as short term auditory processing or short term auditory memory) and visual sequential processing, working memory and executive function.
Auditory and visual sequential processing is how many pieces of information you can take in.
Working memory is how many pieces of information you can take in, hold it in your memory and DO something with it (manipulate the pieces).
Executive function is where you have taken in the information and remembered it, and now you are bringing in other information from long term memory and using visualisation (thinking in pictures) and conceptualisation (thinking in words) to manipulate the information and make associations i.e. think.
Auditory sequential memory is measured quite simply by using digit span – how many single numbers are remembered when presented one second apart. eg. 9-5-2-4. The average adult has a digit span of 7 (but this starts to decline after the late 20’s). At birth the sequential processing is 0. Typically it takes around 15 years to go from 0-7. Here’s a little guide:
Age Number of Digits
3 years 2-3
4 years 3-4
5 years 3,4,5
6 years 5-6
7-15 years 7
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