One Letter Doesn’t Always Equal One Sound.

Jj is for Jottings 48.  One Letter Doesn’t Always Equal One Sound.


If you have read “Aa is for Alpacas” you will already know this, but just in case you haven’t… the letter x is actually two sounds /ks/.  (Remember that the slashes mean the sound rather than the letter name/s.)  The other thing you will know Continue reading

Schwa – The Undercover Vowel.

6 days after we said goodbye to April, Shikha had to have surgery on his paw to remove a foreign body (which didn’t turn out to be there after all!) He kept walking around shaking his leg, trying to get rid of the yellow bandage with smiley faces on it. It lasted all of 24 hours. He said It Didn’t Make Him Feel Like Smiling and he Wasn’t Putting Up With It Any Longer.

Jj is for Jottings 46.  Schwa – the Undercover Vowel.

There’s a sneaky little vowel which we say many times every day and are probably quite unaware of it.  Its name is “schwa”, its phonetic symbol is /ə/, and it sounds like a little grunt.  It’s the undercover vowel because Continue reading

Children or Feet? Using the Right Root.

Petra’s foot after David had done her toenails (ped=”foot” + filed her toenails. They’re actually cut rather than filed, but I couldn’t resist the pun.)


Jj is for Jottings 43.  Children or Feet?  Using the Right Root.

I’ve decided it’s time to air one of my pet language peeves because it crops up so frequently both in conversation and in the media.  I begin with a question: Do pedophiles love children or do they just love feet (which would be odd, but harmless)? Continue reading

The Other Side of the Coin.

Another view of the family cos they are so cute!

Jj is for Jottings 20. The Other Side of the Coin.

Last time I talked about the important role speech pathologists can play in literacy, and this is quite true. In theory, we can make a huge difference. However, as with learning any new skills or working to improve existing skills, practice is paramount. Continue reading