
Aa is for Alpacas  – A Book Reading.

It is really important to make sure that you are using sounds rather than letter names when reading “Aa is for Alpacas” to children.  After all, that is the whole point of the book.  Many adults were not taught how to sound out words (i.e. phonics) as part of learning how to read, and therefore are not always clear on what is a letter name and what is the sound made by each letter.  Usually they say letter names instead of sounds.  THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT.  It is fine to use letter names when spelling a word, but distinctly unhelpful when trying to work out what a word says.  For more information about this issue, see the User Guide in the book itself, or go to the page Why This Book for a brief summary by clicking on the button above.

To check that you are saying the sounds correctly you can listen to the book being read at Wodonga Library for Story Time – see below.  The camera is on each page as it is being read.  There is an introduction which has useful information, too.  One piece of information you will learn is that cameras and I have a very bad relationship, so just close your eyes and listen to that part.